Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
There be many ways that TV commercials use to sell an item to a certain senesce group. This essay will focus on the main techniques that TV commercials use, even though they are main used but there are few that really focus on the foundation of the ad, these make the ad key and specific to a certain tar considered audience. The three main accompaniment arguments are specific colors are used to make a certain toy or harvest so say if the intersection point is headphones and they are black they will use a white background so the headphones stand out they make it look like no headphones ever do this pretty, and the angles they use say if the camera angle was only straight it substance abuse look as exciting, and say if the angle was going across the screen and up and down it makes the product look better and second point with number one who using it makes a huge changes in product and the sale, say if Wayne Gretzky(Hockey player) was in commercial for a basket ball it w ould look as honourable if Michael Jordan was in that commercial because we all know who Wayne Gretzky and what he does so it makes difference. The last point is compare and contrast things wlike weight loss products they compare or a car like you dont want to be like this or you dont want to drive in a car like this they make you fee low and the other product they use like most car that people have like a Honda civic.There are a lot of factors that make an ad good and attractive one of the main factors is the back round colors, and the camera angle. Color is a big factor due to the fact that it brings out the attractiveness of a product say if the product is blue (IPOD) and the back round is red it will coming into court the true beauty that TV ads want you to see the iPod love. declare if 2 kids w... what and thats what they want from us. They keep on releasing the virgin iPhone even thought most people have the 5, Apple still get sold out of the new iPhone, they dont c are who buy it or what your going to use it for they just want your money. Things like iPhone, iPad, ipod or the new Samsung phone what they like is its not a targeted audience. Anyone can buy the iPhone a ten year old all the way up to a 65 year old, so literally any one can buy it so if you look at the ads they us its not as detailed or work put in to it say something like Soccer ball commercial, because in the Soccer ball commercial they have to show a famous person using the ball and playing with it. In the iPhone Commercial they just have to show it and people will go crazy, and it wont cost nearly as much as the Soccer ball commercial thats why new tech products ads are always on TV.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Forever and Always Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descriptive Writing
Forever and AlwaysSome people believe in miracles. Other people argue that fate is what makes dayturn into night and the waves rise high and low crashing over a ship at ocean or carrying it to the shore safely. A person of faith allow for say that ones life is controlled by a higher power greater than fate itself. Shannon has perceive every excuse, rhyme or reason as to what exactly wills each life changing event. She occasionally agrees, yet never disagrees for reasons that would barely be impolite. It is what notwithstanding she knows in her heart, and in a place that even her heart cannot reach, that wills her to live through each day and keeps her anticipating the easiness of her empty bed at night. It is here, in the glow from a single lit candle holding the scent of the ocean breeze, that Shannon separates herself from the world around her and is brought into the only place she longs to be.To begin the evening ritual, Shannon sits at her vanity, combing each section of her long blonde locks and staring into her reflection. She reminds herself of how her eyes used to sparkle. She attempts to recreate the shimmer in her hazel eyes by recalling a humorous event, or practicing her most infectious grin. Suprised that this doesnt work (although it has never worked before) she eagerly reaches under her mattress for the photograph that will begin the second step of what will soon ease her into a soundslumber. Shannon immediately finds the grin that she has been searching for. First, on the glossy print that she holds in her hand, and soon after, appearing on her own go up colored lips. One would think that night after night of seeing the same picture would make it turn into only that, a picture. Every cadence Shannon gazes into this square paper world of hers she is drawn into it as if it were happening all over again.She falls into the time the picture was taken. It was a beautiful summer day, and the throw was painted blue with traces of c louds only to remind the town that it was not, in fact, a canvas, but a true day. The birds flew blissfully, calling to each other. The ocean breeze was just enough to send the smell of the fish from the dock towards the inner part of town. The town itself was quiet. Families gathered today in their homes to share the day with each other. many of the fishermen had the day off, and although the town should be bust... ...eping over herface, grazing her lips with his smooth fingertips and moving them from there to the tip of her ear where he brings his lips gently to whisper. The feeling of his breath on her is warm and makes Shannons body tingle as she begins to believe that he really is in the room with her. She smells the distinct flavor of his cologne in the transmission line and on her pillow and longs for him to wrap her in his arms. Jay, I need you here with me. she proclaims as if he can hear her.Im here. Forever and always. He speaks and she is calmed by his tender voice. Shannon feels the embrace of his arms around her, and the whispered phrase thataccompanies every nightly dream she encounters, declaring his love for her. Finally ready to be thwart by reality, she opens her eyes only to find that he is real. As she looks at him, he slides the gold sparkling ring onto her finger and their lips find each other. The ending of the night had come to life with passion. At dawn, when she finally fell asleep with his arms around her, she felt the grin on her face form and the comfort in her heart, knowing that he meant what he said. He would never leave again.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Archetypes In The Natural Essay -- essays research papers
Archetypes in The innateAfter discovering a God-given talent, a young boy struggles to achieve his only dream to work the best there ever was. Baseball is all he has ever known, so he prevails through the temptations and situations laid before him by those out to end his c atomic number 18er. His hopes and dreams outweigh all the temptations along his journey. These hopes, dreams, and temptations are depicted through archetypes in the movie The Natural. An archetype is a universal symbol. It is likewise a term from the blame that accepts Jungs idea of recurring patterns of situation, character, or symbol existing universally and instinctively in the collective unconscious of man. Archetypes come in three categories images (symbols), characters, and situations. Feelings are provoked about a certain subject by archetypes. The use of the images of pee, sunsets, and circles set the scene of the movie. Characters, including the temptress, the devil figure, and the trickster, contrib ute to the movies conflicts that the hero must(prenominal) overcome in order to reach his dream. However, to reach his dream, the hero must also go through many situations such as, the fall, dealing with the unhealable wound, and the task. By utilize archetypes in the movie, the viewer can obtain more than just the plot and better understand the true theme of the movie to never give up on dreams.Archetypal imagery in this movie is abundant, but the most obvious and repetitive archetypes are those of water, sunsets, and circles. Prior to Roy Hobbs, the heros, arrival to the major league, the coach, Pop, comments, Wouldnt you think I could get a fresh drink of water after all the years that I have been in this game. At this superlative in the game, his team is losing miserably and Roys arrival only seems to make the situation worse because his first impression is an overage rookie. When Roy finally gets a detect to prove himself as a ball player and does, the water from the founta in begins to taste good. The water changing from bad to good shows a birth for the team. Since water is necessary for growth, it also symbolizes a growth stage for the team from the worst to a competitor. Roy appears to be the fresh drink of water that Pop has been wanting. The sunset also emerges into view several times in t... ...s ball despite the risk of death. Roys task is to identify himself so that he may reassume his rightful sight as the best baseball player in the game. He earned the position the first time when he struck out the Whammer. After returning to baseball, Roy must again prove himself as the best. First, Roy must earn the respect from his coach and the players before he can attempt to make a figure of speech for himself. Once that is accomplished by showing off his hitting talents, Roy Hobbs easily becomes a household name. It takes awhile, but he does become the persistent front-page story. The movie The Natural obviously benefits from using the images of w ater, sunsets, and circles, the characters of the temptress, the devil figure, and the trickster, and the situations of the fall, dealing with the unhealable wound, and the task. By using these archetypes in the movie, the plot is not all the viewer sees. The movie becomes more in depth. to a greater extent feelings can also be provoked by the use of archetypes, which will involve the viewer more in the movie and allow them to connect with the characters. Roys dream to become the best becomes enhanced by the continuous use of archetypes in the movie.
Comparing the Intelligence of Women in Shelleys Frankenstein and Gould
Intelligence of Women in Shelleys Frankenstein and Goulds Womens Brains Throughout history, women have always aimed for a recognized place in society. Centuries ago, people looked at the role of women in society as being sociologically inferior. Seeing the revival of the Feminist movement, which boldly opposes the stereotypical characteristics of women in society, on one hand, and promotes the elevation of womens status in society, on the other, one would not find it hard to believe the drastic differences in opinion of people on this issue. What is amazing is how these differences reflect upon scholarly full treatment in science. For example, in a play titled Frankenstein, based on a novel by bloody shame Shelley, Elizabeth Frankenstein is depicted as a fair sex of perfect and well-rounded personality in society. Taking into consideration that the novel was written in the 1817, when women were not even accepted as students in universities, as shown in the film, Mar y Shelley presents Elizabeth Frankenstein both as a originative writer and a loving wife. Elizabeth has deliberately symbolized Shelleys expectations of an independent woman. She is represented as intelligent, a creative writer, just like Mary Shelley herself, and a loving, caring and supporting wife. Also, in the novel, Elizabeth is portrayed as the type of woman, who always wants to strike a balance surrounded by work and family life. That is why, in her letters to Victor Frankenstein, she always reminds him to keep in touch with his family and write back to her. Mary Shelleys plot of portraying Elizabeth as a successful writer as shown in the film, a profession, then rather unusual for a woman and almost entirely dominated by males, suggest... ...e recognition, which Mary Shelley had always longed for in the nineteenth century. Works Cited Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. A play by Nick DiMartino, Direct. Moses Goldberg. Narr. Professor McNamar. Global Stage Produ ction. WLIW21 Presentation. Class Movie. HSS 100-022. kick back Semester, February 18, 2002. Gould, Stephen J. Womens Brains. Fields of Reading. 6th ed. Ed. Nancy R. Comley et al. New York St. Martins, 2001. India, Sehat. Women Are Biologically Superior to Men, Say Doctors. http// Martin, Emily. The Egg and the Sperm. Fields of Reading. 6th ed. Ed. Nancy R. Comley et al. New York St. Martins, 2001. Shelley, Mary. From Frankenstein. The Example of Science. Ed. Robert E Lynch and doubting Thomas B. Swanzey. New York Pearson Publishing, 2000. 152-156. Sohail 2
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Anti Insanity Defense :: essays papers
Anti Insanity Defense The hallucination apology refers to that branch of the concept of frenzy which defines the extent to which men accused of crimes may be relieved of criminal responsibility by virtue of affable disease. The terms of such a defense be to be found in the instructionspresented by the trial judge to the jury at the close of a case. These instructions can be drawn from any of several rules used in the determination of mental illness. The final determination of mental illness rests solely on the jury who uses discipline drawnfrom the testimony of expert witnesses, usually professionals in the field of psychology. The net result of such a determination places an individual accordingly, be it placement in a mental facility, incarceration, or outright release. Due to theseaforementioned factors, there are several problems raised by the existence of the insanity defense. Problems such as the actual possibility of determining mental illness, justifiable placement of judged mentally ill offenders, and the overall usefulness of such a defense. In all, I hope that these problems, as well as others which will be mentioned later, lead us to the conclusion that the insanity defense is useless and should be abolished entirely. Insanity is a licit, non a medical definition. Therefore, mental illness and insanity are not synonymous only some mental illness constitutes insanity. Insanity, however, includes not only mental illness but also mental deficiencies. Due to this, there are problems in exactly how to apply a medical theory to a legal matter (Herman, 1983128). The legal concepts of mental illness andinsanity raise questions in a conflict between what are termed legalistic criminology and scientific criminology mens rea, punishment v. treatment, responsibility, and prisons v. hospitals. This debate seesaws to and fro amidst a grey area between law and science. The major difficulty with a theory such as mental illness is that it is just t hat, a theory. To scientists theories are a way of life, but applied to the concept of law theories become somewhat dangerous. By applying a loose theory such as mental illness to law we are in essence throwing the proverbial monkey wrench into the wheels of justice.TESTING FOR INSANITY At the center of the legal use of insanity lies the mens rea. Every crime involves a physical act, or actus reus, and a mental act, or mens rea, the non-physical cause of behavior.
Anti Insanity Defense :: essays papers
Anti madness Defense The mania defense refers to that part of the concept of insanity which defines the extent to which men accused of crimes may be relieved of criminal responsibility by virtue of mental disease. The terms of much(prenominal) a defense are to be found in the operating instructionspresented by the trial judge to the jury at the close of a case. These instructions can be drawn from any of several rules used in the determination of mental illness. The final determination of mental illness rests solely on the jury who uses information drawnfrom the testimony of expert witnesses, usually professionals in the field of psychology. The net result of such a determination places an individual accordingly, be it placement in a mental facility, incarceration, or outright release. Due to theseaforementioned factors, there are several problems raised by the existence of the insanity defense. Problems such as the actual possibility of determining mental illness, expertif iable placement of judged mentally ill offenders, and the overall usefulness of such a defense. In all, I believe that these problems, as well as others which will be mentioned later, lead us to the conclusion that the insanity defense is useless and should be abolished entirely. Insanity is a sanctioned, non a medical definition. Therefore, mental illness and insanity are not synonymous only some mental illness constitutes insanity. Insanity, however, includes not only mental illness but also mental deficiencies. Due to this, there are problems in exactly how to apply a medical theory to a legal matter (Herman, 1983128). The legal concepts of mental illness andinsanity raise questions in a conflict between what are termed legalistic criminology and scientific criminology mens rea, penalization v. treatment, responsibility, and prisons v. hospitals. This debate seesaws to and fro amidst a grey area between law and science. The major difficulty with a theory such as mental il lness is that it is just that, a theory. To scientists theories are a way of life, but applied to the concept of law theories become somewhat dangerous. By applying a loose theory such as mental illness to law we are in essence throwing the proverbial monkey wrench into the wheels of justice.TESTING FOR INSANITY At the center of the legal use of insanity lies the mens rea. Every crime involves a physical act, or actus reus, and a mental act, or mens rea, the non-physical cause of behavior.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Descartes Argument for the Existence of Corporeal Things Essay
Methods and Meditations on First Philosophy is a discourse by Rene Descartes, which largely focuses on the spirit of humanity and divinity. This essay is a discussion of this discourse, and will summarize, explain and object to various parts of his work. The majority of this essay focuses on Descartes Sixth Meditation, which includes his tune that substantial things do exist.1. There clearly exists a passive stave of sensing and I use it involuntarily. 2. If there exists a passive cleverness of sensing at heart me and I use it, accordingly there exists an supple faculty of producing genius ideas, either in me, or in something else. . Therefore, there exists an active faculty of producing sense ideas, either in me, or in something else. 4. God has given me a great zest to believe that the active faculty of producing sense ideas is in sensible things. 5. If the active faculty of producing sense ideas is non in corporeal things then God is a deceiver. 6. God is not a deceive r 7. Therefore the active faculty of producing sense ideas is in corporeal things. 8. If the active faculty of producing sense ideas is in corporeal things then corporeal things exist. 9.The active faculty of producing sense ideas is in corporeal things. 10. Therefore corporeal things do exist. Descartes reason that corporeal things exist exemplifies his use of, and basis in epistemological foundationalism.To clearly understand how Descartes line reflects this, we must first explain what epistemological foundationalism is. In his essay, Epistemology, Richard Feldman explains that foundationalism is when, The object is sound. There are prefatory reassert whimseys, and they are the foundation upon which all in all our other justified beliefs proportion (Feldman 51).He continues this line of thought by saying win, All justified nonbasic beliefs are justified in virtue of their relation to justified basic beliefs. (Feldman 52). In other words, basic justified beliefs allow f or other nonbasic beliefs to be justified through their own vindication. And it is only through these basic justified beliefs that one fuck make sound melodic phrases while using a fundamentalist mentality. The nonbasic justified beliefs that are used for airation are true only to the point that their ancillary basic justified beliefs are true.With this understanding of foundationalism through Feldmans work it arouse be said that Descartes meditations exhibit these features. The argument that Descartes gives for the existence of corporeal things certainly exhibits the features of foundationalism. The method that Descartes used in his meditations was to clearly ground all of his arguments upon basic justified beliefs. This foundation on basic justified beliefs provides Descartes with the ability to come up with further nonbasic justified beliefs, all of which are based upon one of his basic justified beliefs.This is evident throughout Descartes argument for corporeal beliefs as he believes that the entirety of his argument lies upon basic justified beliefs. Without the existence of God, Descartes would not be able to justify his beliefs for the existence of corporeal things. The premises that involve God in this argument are all nonbasic justified beliefs, because they all rest upon the foundation that God exits. The justified belief of Gods certain existence that Descartes holds depends upon an argument that does not use all other beliefs.Therefore his conclusion that God exists becomes a basic justified belief for Descartes, and he bases many of his nonbasic justified beliefs upon its foundation. Some of Descartes premises in his argument for the existence of corporeal things clearly rely upon his basic justified belief that God exists. For God to hand given Descartes any type of purpose, as Descartes believes is justified in premise four, it is clear that his existence must first be justified.Through his argument for the existence of God, Descartes is able to use his basic justified belief that God exists to affirm his nonbasic justified beliefs through their relation to Gods existence. This implication that Descartes uses for his reasoning is exemplary of foundationalism. Descartes does not use any beliefs that he does not justify through their dependence upon a basic justified belief. For his sixth premise that God is not a deceiver as well depends upon this same basic justified belief for it also to be justified.Descartes criteria for what can constitute a basic justified belief must lso be relevant if the justification of his argument lies upon such beliefs. It reckons that the goal of Descartes meditations was to begin with a clean slate, and from there, distinguish only things that are certain. Descartes method required him to only accept things as true if they are certain. Through Feldmans definition of foundationalism it is apparent that Descartes method can be considered as such. Descartes primary focus was to dis covery only what is basic, clear, distinct, and justified before further building upon those beliefs. For a belief to be basic for Descartes, it must rely upon no other beliefs.It must then be reliant upon self-evident, completely obvious truths to be able to describe which beliefs can be justified through deduction. This is a very basic foundation to begin from and is truly foundationalism at its roots. For Decartes meditations the beliefs that he is a thinking thing and therefore he exists is used from the beginning as his first basic justified belief. The first premise in Descartes argument is a basic justified belief. He believes that there clearly exists a passive faculty of sensing and I use it involuntarily.The second premise of the argument raises questions about how this can be a justified belief. Descartes believe that if there exists a passive faculty of sensing within me and I use it, then there must exist an active faculty of producing sense ideas, either in myself or in something else. Descartes is able to justify this belief that there exists ii different faculties of sensing, by using the basic justified beliefs about imagination and understanding and the difference between the two. Namely that understanding goes beyond our ability to theorize something, and Imagination seems to depend upon extended bodies.Through these beliefs Descartes is able to conclude that there must be two different faculties of sense ideas. A passive faculty of perceiving sense ideas within me that I use and an active faculty of producing these sense ideas. There is a problem with Descartes foundationalism, however. The problem, for Descartes is that, while everything is based upon each other, if one of the beliefs that provides justification to other beliefs is not clearly justified then none of these beliefs can be taken as truths.This not only shakes these beliefs, but, can question the wiseness of his whole rgument and any further nonbasic justified beliefs that may arise from the questioned belief. While his argument is valid and seems to be sound, upon further questioning, it may be contingent to find that the argument may not be sound. If enough of a doubt can be provided so that one premise seems doubtful, I believe we can call into question the soundness of his whole argument. For Descartes fourth premise, it seems as though his only justification for the belief is an inclination supposedly given from God, who supposedly exists.This inclination is that the active faculty of producing sense ideas is in corporeal things. For Descartes, as a foundationalist, to base his premise off of a natural inclination that he has should seem suspicious enough. Descartes supplements his inclination by stating that it comes from God. This is an opportunity to question the base of this premise. How does Descartes reason that this inclination is given from God. For God has given me no faculty at all for recognizing any such source for these ideas on th e contrary, he has given me a great longing to believe that they are produced by corporeal things.Through this avouchment Descartes attempts to justify his premise for this active faculty existing in corporeal things. While I must agree that as humans, we are born with a propensity to believe that the active faculty of producing sense ideas is in corporeal things, it is possible to see that there could be other ways that we have gotten this propensity. Is it possible that we have received this inclination as a disillusion from a source other than God. At the prison term, Descartes may have seen this as irrational.But, today it is easier to regard that this is possible through either superior technology, or through some type of force of mental control. The idea that superior technology is able to add humans with the active faculty for producing sense ideas can be exemplified through the movie The Matrix. In the movie it is a superior technology that controls globe and projects into their mind that corporeal things are real, when in fact it is just images being projected into their minds that supplies them with what they believe is world.Not only does Descartes assume that it is God who put this propensity to believe in our minds, but this follows Descartes assumption that God exists. While Descartes has an argument that proves the existence of God, it is possible to argue against the existence of God. If that argument can be objected to, this also would provide more than enough doubt to discount the soundness of Descartes argument that corporal things exist. The debate upon the existence of God is not necessary for my objection, however, as I have already provided doubt to the premise even if God does exist.The ability to fathom a different idea than God putting this active faculty in corporal things provides enough doubt that it is possible to question the soundness of Descartes foundationalist argument. How would Descartes defend his view against this objection? I think that the possibility of this, provides a uniform problem to that of our dreams. If that would be projected upon us, we still are thinking, and therefore still continue to exist. So there must be some type of reality in which we are centered in. This would lead us to believe that either this matrix is reality, or there is some other kind of reality.Since we know that this matrix is not reality, there must be some other kind of reality. This makes it difficult for us to understand what reality truly is. The possibility of this makes me think Renee Descartes would have to submit that what he believed as justified truths, can not be so. This thought would not only shake this premise, but would compromise the rest of his argument for the belief that corporeal things exist. With the inability to clearly justify statements he previously believed to be true, I believe that Descartes would have a more difficult time trying to prove that corporeal things exist.I also bel ieve that without this premise, this whole argument looses its soundness because of the dependency upon God being the supplier of our propensity to believe that corporeal things exist. This one belief being no longer justified, in the nature of foundationalism, would necessarily effect the nonbasic justified beliefs of Descartes which previously were believed to be justified. The more beliefs which are no longer justified, work only to further the process and dejustify beliefs dependent upon the previous ones.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Effects of Dirty Environment Essay
1) Garbage dumpingWe throw garbage here and there without caring that mickle might step on it. It attracts flies and mosquitoes which carry harmful herms with them. When flies and mosquitoes which carry harmful germs with them. When flies and mosquitoes sit on our foods, they spread diseases among those who eat such food.3) UrinationUrination in the open again makes the surroundings dirty and foul smelling.4) SpittingSpitting here and there also spoils the surroundings.Effects of smudgy surroundingA) When we live in unclean surroundings, our health suffers. B) When we eat food infected by germs carrying flies and mosquitoes, we are likely to suffer from certain imposing diseases. Two such dreadful diseases are diarrhea and cholera. C) Repeated attacks of these diseases make us weak. The children suffering from these diseases will not grow properly. They become weak and take place prey to many other infection and diseases. As a result of this, death many also occur. Ways of makin g our surroundings cleana) establish in a sanitary latrine. After using the latrine throw enough water into it. People mess get together and build a communal latrine. We can also make water-sealed pit latrines away from the source of drinking water. We can also make other latrines such as Suvidha the new sheath of latines of French latrines and dry pit latrines. Latrines should be kept neat and clean. .c) After defecation, hands, fingers, nails, feet and legs should be washed with soap or ash. d) The dumping of garbage should not be done in the open near your house. They should be dumped in the pits. These pits should be regularly emptied. The pits should have a narrow opening through which the garbage can is thrown into it. It should be covered with soil. After a few months, the garbage decomposes and it can be used as manure. e) Keep the drinking water, food items covered, the self-colored locality clean and tidy. f) We must take care of personal hygiene and clean all parts o f our body regularly. g) The houses should be constructed in such a way that there should be enough air and sunlight.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nicomachean Ethics on Moral Virtue Essay
Aristotle believes that virtue, or excellence, can be distinguished into deuce different types. One creation intellectual virtue, and the other being moral virtue. Aristotle encompasses intellectual virtue as being philosophical wisdom, understanding and practical wisdom. He considers moral virtue to be of liberality and temperance. Aristotle distinguishes between the two types using his previous subscriber line round the irrational element. Aristotle shows that the irrational element is comprised of a vegetative element as well as a desiring element, slice the rational is separate from the vegetative.The point that Aristotle makes is that the irrational can be composed of subdivisions and each could acquit an impact on the other. The same idea is carried into his argument ab appear virtue being distinguished into two types. Intellectual virtue observes from a sense, logical reasoning, or rational thought. The ability to understand and act in concurrence with that which is hel d to be virtuous. Aristotle defines the split between intellectual and moral virtue in its perception of how it is obtained. Intellectual virtue is obtained through teaching requiring prison term and experience.This goes hand in hand with his definition for logical reasoning and rational thought. How can one distinguish between that which is considered virtuous? Since it is the person who essential(prenominal) decide what is virtuous and that which is not, they must rely on life teachings to understand the difference. Aristotle claims moral virtue dumbfounds a result of habit. Aristotle relates moral virtue with temperament. Nature has a certain course of action mechanism, which must be followed. Anything contradicting the course of nature would be classified as non-uniform. Using the examples of throwing a ball.Its inseparable declare is to come down and no matter how oft you throw the ball up, it volition never go against its nature to come down. Moral virtue arises in us from nature, it does not need to be taught externally, it is born(p) with us, and it is through habit that we are able to perfect our moral virtue. Moral virtue becomes a trait that is acquired through activity. In practice it becomes perfect, and by nature we are all accessible to it. Aristotle uses the analogy of builders having to build to become good builders. The same concept applies to the development of moral virtue. Moral virtue can soce be stated to apply through action.It is action, which will then define how well we display levels of moral virtue. Aristotle uses this point to lead way into his next argument about the development of states of component. As stated earlier, moral virtue is a way of nature. Nature implies that actions must be of a certain kind or characteristic. In application to the states of character, Aristotle claims that it is the differences, which define the states of character. in that locationfore measurement of a persons state of character li es on the ability to see the differences between a persons action and how far that action is from a natural course of action.The natural course of action becomes the next argument, for how does one measure the natural state of character or the norm? Aristotle begins by tackling this argument by defining what is considered not the normal. With this Aristotle gives rise to moral vices. Moral vices become defined as the extremes of moral action. In order to re-enforce this Aristotle uses examples of health and eating. If a person is hungry, they can choose how much to eat, but what is considered a healthy amount to eat? There are now two extremes present, to eat nothing, or to overeat.In the case of eating nothing this would constitute as bad for the health, for there are no nutrients to fuel the body. Conversely in the argument, if one were to eat too much, this may lead to obesity which then gives high rise to a greater rate of cardiovascular issues leading to a downfall in health. The point of this argument is to define that there are extremes and that these extremes can ask adverse affects toward the goal in question. Vices therefore have adverse affects towards goals. In order to build up moral virtue they must not follow vices.Aristotle points out that it becomes the mean, which becomes that which one should follow. Relating stern to moral virtues being that of habit, it can be said that as actions are carried out, character is being built based on these actions. As character builds, they become more and more likely to do the same actions over and over, because it is defined in that characteristic state. For example if I were to run 2 miles every champion day, for the first few days I would feel sore and unacquainted with ravel, but as time goes on, my muscles will naturally become adapt to the running environment, and will not cause me much pain.However if I were to stop running all in all after months of habitually running then I would begin to find myself feeling out of shape and un-fit and my muscles would once again to begin to adapt to my laziness. In order to build character, one must stay away from vices, and stick to preservation of the mean, and during this process, they must stay with the mean, and not deviate, for its these deviations away from the mean, in which a character would begin to follow a expression of unmoral virtue. Therefore it is the mean action that will define what constitutes as a moral virtuous action.Aristotle begins to further his argument over moral virtue by explaining virtue in terms of actions. Though there has to be some underlying constitution, which states that these actions are of valid in terms of building moral virtue. Aristotle claims that a person who lacks virtue may perform a virtuous action. Their actions will hold no sustenance if they do not comply with the three things which Aristotle points out must be held true in order to perform a virtuous action. A virtuous action consists o f three things they must have knowledge, option of the action, and must do so from an unchangeable character.Actions, which will arise from a person who follows these, are indicative of a person who is in character and have developed a state of character. In order to differentiate between a person who is virtuous and a person is non-virtuous, they must meet the criteria above. For an action is simply an action, and it may be a good action, however if the person does not know what they are doing, and it does not follow in a state of accordance with their character then that person is not doing the virtuous action for the sake of being virtuous.A person who does a virtuous action will perform actions that they view as being virtuous and having knowledge of the actions themselves as being virtuous and it is because that person is doing this action in character that they are virtuous. They have habitually grown into a virtuous character because their state of character had already been previously built from previous virtuous actions. Aristotles arguments over the surround of virtue is that it becomes a slight paradox.For a character to become virtuous they must first perform virtuous actions. The paradox comes in that if a character were to become virtuous, that means that they are starting from a state of un-virtue. If this is the case, then it would contradict Aristotles third point of performing a virtuous action. blameless action being built upon a character that is un-virtuous would therefore contradict the third requirement for an action to virtuous. The third requirement being that it must come from a firm and unchangeable character.If a character is unchangeable then the question remains, how does a person become virtuous? For now it can be agreed upon that it is over the course of time and nature that a person is virtuous, they must perfect it through habit, and doing what is virtuous. In other words, if a person so desires to be virtuous they must hab itually work towards performing virtuous actions. Therefore a state of character can be changed as time progresses based on actions that are performed.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Bipolar Disorder Essay
Over the age there put one over been many misconceptions about what bipolar disorder is, what the symptoms argon, and how it is treated. bipolar disorder, also cognize as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in climate, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. A person who has sensory system swings does not automatically qualify them for a diagnosing of bipolar disorder. The characteristics of bipolar disorder atomic number 18 significant shifts in mood that go from manic episodes to deep depressive episodes in waves and valleys that never end. Nearly 2% of Americans have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, more commonly known as manic depression. Scientists are constantly studying the accomplishable causes of bipolar disorder. Most scientists agree that there is not one single cause, but is caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors.Even though it has not been proven that bipolar diso rder is hereditary, it does tend to run in families. Children with a parent or sibling who has bipolar disorder are a lot more likely to develop the illness, compared with children who do not have a family history. Bipolar patients are more likely to use mind altering drugs to pronounce and self-medicate therefore making diagnosis a harder process. Doctors diagnose bipolar disorder using guidelines from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the symptoms must be a major change from your normal mood or behavior (Youngstrom, E., 2012, October 23). Below is a chart demonstrating the different mood changes and behavioral changes amid a manic and depressive episode.It was once thought that there were only two types of bipolar disorder, but now the disease has been broken down even barely into several different disorders. Bipolar I disorder is the most severe form of the illness withextreme manic or mixed episodes th at last at least a week. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode during your lifetime. Usually there are depressive episodes as well that last two weeks, however you do not need to have a history of depression to be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Bipolar II disorder is defined by experiencing both a hypo-manic and a depressive episode. To meet the criteria for bipolar II, a previous episode of depression is necessary, along with symptoms of little intense mania lasting at least four days (Caponigro, J., Lee, E., Johnson, S., & Kring, A., 2012). Cyclothymia is defined by a pattern of chronic and frequent mood changes. These mood changes are not as extreme as those experienced in manic episodes. The diagnosis is based off of how much of the time both(prenominal) type of changed move is present.Most people diagnosed with Cyclothymia tend to feel very up or very down at least half(a) of the time. This diagnosis is not considered until those mood fluctuat ions have go along for a very long time generally one year for adolescents and over two years for adults. These episodes must last for at least two years without more than two months of a stable mood during that time to qualify for this diagnosis. Bipolar NOS or not otherwise specified is the diagnosis that covers forms of bipolar that dont fall into any of the other categories. The mood episodes are extreme enough to be classified as manic, hypomanic, or depressive but do not meet the duration requirements for bipolar I, bipolar II, or cyclothymic diagnosis. Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but it can be treated effectively long-term. Because it is a lifelong illness, long-term intercession is essential to control symptoms. It is essential to receive the correct diagnosis to receive the most effective treatment. Medication is the most effective treatment for managing symptoms of bipolar disorder and extending periods of mental and physical wellness.Most often, the first medicine s used are called mood stabilizers. Since the early 1960s, lithium has been the most commonly used mood stabilizer (Fink, C., & Kraynak, J., 2013). Some other medications that are bring down for the treatment of bipolar are Trileptal, Topamax, and Neurontin. Because it is believed by some that bipolar disorder is caused by a chemical im poise in the brain, these medications have been effective in treating bipolar disorder, but they are not considered effective treatments for bipolar symptoms. Antipsychoticsmedications are used to reduce psychotic symptoms and lowering irritability, and they can be the fastest way to treat an acute manic episode. Antipsychotic medications are usually stated during an acute manic phase while the patient is in the hospital, and used as a maintenance treatment after the patient is released. The biggest hurdle in treatment of bipolar disorder is ongoing treatment. When patients are diagnosed correctly and started on the correct medications it is vital f or those medications to be continued by the patient. Many bipolar patients feel that once their mood has stabilized that they are cured therefore they stop taking the medication.In conclusion, receiving a bipolar diagnosis does not have to be the end of the world. Many brilliant and upstanding people have been diagnosed and effectively treated for bipolar disorder. It is important to have regular visits with a psychiatrists to discuss your medications and side effects. Blood tests are sometimes ordered to check the levels of your medications and the response of your body to these medications. It is important to stay on the prescribed medications and to try and keep a normal daily routine. A support group and supportive friends and family are vital in maintaining a good balance between the highs and lows. Even though there is not a cure, it is possible to live a happy and productive life.ReferencesCaponigro, J., Lee, E., Johnson, S., & Kring, A., (2012). Bipolar Disorder A target fo r the Newly Diagnosed. Oakland, CA New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Fink, C., & Kraynak, J., (2013). Bipolar Disorder for Dummies 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Youngstrom, E., (2012, October 23). Myths and Realities about Bipolar Disorders. Retrieved fromhttp//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Course syllabus1. Albert Essay
Course information1 2.1 Teaching dates and LocationsLecture 8.00 11.00 a.m.Venue12 2.2 Units of CreditThis cartroad is worth 3 credits.2.3 Parallel teaching in the deliberate overThere is no parallel teaching convolute in this bleed.2.4 Relationship of this course to another(prenominal)sBA023IU externalize anxiety concentrates on how to manage a advise beside discussing issues of forge management. The course provides hands-on experience in various stage of the process of project management.The course is independent requiring no prerequisite course. However, the savants whitethorn find techniques and knowledge from the course of BA164BAProduction and Operations Management useful. Students majoring in International Business, Marketing and Business Management may later take BA171IU risk of exposure Management and BA149IUNew Product Planning in the following semester, which give complement and foster the skills learned from this course and employ the project management knowl edge the students have accumulated here.2.5 Approach to learning and teachingEmploying the interactive learning and problem-based teaching approach, this course emphasizes the interaction betwixt lecturers and students. The lecture materials go away be uploaded in blackboard to attention the students to preview the materials and to facilitate discussion during the lecture.This will help students to interact with the lecturer on other matters related to the subject before and after the lecture. The sessions for presentations and discussions comprise comp some(prenominal) case studies as well as reply some theoretical and conceptual questions, which help the students to see how the concepts are applied in reality.3. COURSE AIMS AND OUTCOMES3.1 Course AimsThe aim of this course is to provide the students with insights into humane behavior, knowledge of organizational issues and skills with three-figure methods for successful project management. Specifically, the course is to prov ide students with cause on the concepts of project planning and organization, project delay and project communications. Decision-making techniques in project selection.Analytical skills for successful project management.Insights into human behavior and people skills for project management. purpose scheduling techniques including WBS, PERT, Gantt Charts. Use of suggest Management Software Ms brook and Crystal Ball Software.3.2 Student eruditeness OutcomesStudents completing this course are likely to achieve the following attributes Systems approach. See a bigger picture when managing a project, holistic perspective regarding all parties involved in the project, and all components that would deliver to make a project completed satisfactorily. People management. Appreciate individual strengths and weaknesses, direct people to achieve project targets. squad player and team leader. Constructively contribute to projects as a team player or leader, having versatility in both(prenomi nal) human and technical sides, negotiate to get to win-win solutions. Disciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective. Bring disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives in straightening out situations and projecting possible outcomes. Planning, scheduling, logistics literate. Perform satisfactorily the basic tasks of project management.3.3 Teaching StrategiesThe learning system in this course consists of lectures and scheduled presentations/discussions. Lectures elaborate the appropriate theoretical content in the textual matterbook and readings. Classes provide a more detailed and refined analysis of both concepts and applied materials. Classes are strongly oriented towards interactive discussion of the text and cases and reading assignments. In order to gain the most from the lectures and class activities, the assigned text/reading should be read before the lecture to participate in the discussions.4. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT4.1 WorkloadIt is expected that the st udents will spend at least six hours per week studying this course (three hours in class and three at home). This time at home should be made up of reading, research, working(a) on exercises and problems, and regarding classes. In periods where they need to complete assignments or prepare for trial runinations, the workload may be greater. Over-commitment has been a cause of failure for many students. They should take the required workload into account when planning how to balance studywith part-time jobs and recreation and/or other activities.4.2 AttendanceRegular and punctual attendance at lectures is expected in this course. University regulations indicate that if students attend less than eighty per cent of scheduled classes, they may not be considered for final assessment. Exemptions may only be made on medical grounds. It means that if you miss more than two classes, you may fail the class. For any class where you miss, you are obliged to submit your answers to the question s.4.3 usual Conduct and BehaviourThe students are expected to conduct themselves with consideration and respect for the needs of the fellow students and teaching staff. Conduct which unduly disrupts or interferes with a class, such(prenominal) as ringing or talking on mobile phones, is not acceptable and students will be asked to leave the class. More information on student conduct is usable at the university webpage.4.4 Keeping informedThe students should take note of all announcements made in lectures or on the courses Blackboard. From time to time, the university will send important announcements to their university e-mail addresses registered with the school without providing a paper copy. The students will be deemed to have received this information.5. LEARNING ASSESSMENT5.1 Formal RequirementsIn order to pass this course, the students mustachieve a composite mark of at least 50 andmake a satisfactory attempt at all assessment tasks (see below).5.2 Assessment Details5.2. 1 At tendance (5%) In order to get 5% of attendance score, a student must attend all sessions. If a student is absent for more than two sessions, she or he will lose 5% of total course grade and may be prohibited from thefinal exam except for cases with medical reasons.5.2.2 Homework (15%) Each student must submit a project proposal form, with enfold budget and Ms drift schedule, before Session 8. Details will be announced.5.2.3 Teamwork(10%) On Session 1, groups of maximum 5 students are formed and they will work on their group project throughout the course. Each team must present their analysis to a textbook case by answering the case questions (see the course calendar). Team members should read all the cases before class for discussion in class. Each class I will choose any team for case presentation which will be marked.5.2.3 Mid-term Exam (30%) The midterm exam will be one and half hours in length and will be in the form of multiple choices and undefendable questions/problems. Th is is open book test.Content of the CourseContents for AssessmentLevel of Cognitive DomainUnderstanding and AnalyticalApplyingMultiple-choice Questions (MCQ)Written Questions (Problems) asylum to vomit ManagementCharacteristics of a project, roles of project manager, project organization forms, Conflicts and Negotiation 10 MCQ1 problemProject Selection/PlanningProject Selection, Project Cost Estimation and Budgeting10 MCQ3 problemsSCORE40605.2.4 Final Exam (40%) The final exam will be 2 hours in length during Final Exam Period and will be in the form of multiple choices and open questions/problems. This is open book test.Content of the CourseContents for AssessmentLevel of Cognitive DomainUnderstanding and AnalyticalApplyingMultiple-choice Questions (MCQ)Written Questions (Problems)Project Planning programming , CPM/PERT, Gantt Chart, Issues in Planning10 MCQ2 problemsProject Implementation, Monitoring and EvaluationProject Crashing, Resources allotment, Information Systems, Tools for Project Control, Project Evaluation/Audit 15 MCQ2 problemsSCORE30705.5 Special Consideration Request for special consideration (for final examination only) must be made to the Office of donnish Affairs within one week after the examination. General policy and information on special consideration can be found at the Office of Academic Affairs.6. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISMPlagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as onesown (definition proposed by the University of Newcastle). Students are also reminded that careful time management is an important part of study and one of the identified causes of plagiarism is poor time management. Students should allow qualified time for research, drafting, and the proper referencing of sources in preparing all assessment items. The university regards plagiarism as a form of academic misconduct, and has very strict rules regarding plagiarism.17. STUDENT RESOURCES7.1 Course Resources occupy note that it is very impo rtant to gain familiarity with the subject matter in the readings and cases prior to attendance in classes.TextbookMeredith, J. and Mantel Jr, S. (2012), Project Management A Managerial Approach, 8th Edition, Wiley.Reference BooksA Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition (PMBOK Guide), Project Management Institute, November 2004.Additional materials provided in BlackboardThe lecturer will attempt to make lecture notes and additional reading available on Blackboard. However this is not an automatic entitlement for students doing this subject. Note that this is not a distance learning course, and you are expected to attend lectures and take notes. This way, you will get the additional benefit of class interaction and demonstration.Recommended Internet sitesPMI (Project Management Institute)IPMA (International Project Management Association)APM (Association for Project Management)The Project Management PodcastVisitaskStartwrightRecommended JournalsThe Achiever Ne wsletter Project Management BooksePMTutorInternational Journal of Project ManagementPROJECT MagazineProject Manager TodayProject Management PublicationsProject TimesProject Management World TodayPROJECTMagazine7.2 Other Resources, Support and Information12 Additional learning assistance is available for students in this course and will be made available in Blackboard. Academic journal articles are available through connections via the VNU Central Library. Recommended articles will be duly informed to the students.8. COURSE SCHEDULESessionTopicLearning materials and activities1Introduction staple fibres of Project ManagementContextDefinition of project and other terminologiesRationale of project management approachProject life cycleProject objectivesRisk associated with projectsTextbook, Chapter 1Forming Study groupsAllocation of Group TasksHow to prepare for case study presentationDiscussion Bloomfield Transport, Inc.Reading Lessons for an accidental profession2The Project Manage rIntroduction to Project ManagerThe roles of project managersThe responsibilities of project managersRequirements of project managersProject managers qualificationsEnvironmental and cultural issuesTextbook, Chapter 3 chemise The National Jazz vestibule of FameReading What it takes to be a good project manager?3Project in the Organizational StructureProject and other superior organizationsProject in its purest formMatrixMixedSelecting the right project organizationProject teams and other functionsTextbook, Chapter 5Case DizplazeReading The virtual project Managing tomorrows team today4Conflict and NegotiationCategories of conflictsConflicts and project life cycleUncertainty and conflictsNegotiation definedMethods of negotiationQuiz (30 min)Textbook, Chapter 4Case Pelican landing Bender Corporation.Reading Methods of resolving interpersonal conflict5Project Selection and PlanningProject selection modelsQualitative and quantitative approachesRisk consideredProject coordination planPr oject action planWork breakdown structureIntegration managementTextbook, Chapters 2 &6Case pan out Europa Food S.A.Reading Planning for crises in project management6BudgetingProject budget estimationMethods of project estimationIssues in estimationTechniques for change estimationCase discussionTextbook, Chapter 7Case Gujarat AutoReading Three perceptions of project costsMID-TERM7Project SchedulingPERT and CPMGantt chartsRisk analysisExtensions of tasks and projectPractice of schedulingTextbook, Chapter 8Case Topline ArenaTutorial Ms Project Software and Crystall Ball Software8Allocation of ResourcesCPM and crashProblems with resource allocationLoading and levelingAllocation under constraintsMulti-project scheduling and allocationPractice of allocation of resourcesTextbook, Chapter 9Case D.U. Singer hospital Product Corp.9Monitoring and ControlCycle of planning-monitoring-controlReport processThe concept of earned valuePurposes and types of controlPractice of project controlTextbo ok, Chapters 10&11Discussion Earned value at CERNCase Kroon Chemische FebriekReading Survey of project management tools10Project ControlDesigning control systemsControl as a management functionBalance in controlControl of creative projectsControl of change and creepTextbook, Chapter 11Case Peerless Laser ProcessorsReading Controlling projects according to plan11Project Audit and TerminationPurposes of evaluationProject auditAudit and project life cycleDesign and use of audit reportIssues of MeasurementTermination basicsTypes of terminationProcess of terminationReport of terminationTextbook, Chapters 12&13Case Theatre High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Five Failures and CountingTeam Project Presentations12Course ReviewBasic conceptsBasic processThe human side in project managementCalculations, techniques and mathsQ&ADrillsTeam Project Presentations
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Analysis of Sprint Nextel Essay
Sprint Nextel Corporation is principally a holding attach to operating principally through two divisions Wireline and Wireless. Incorporated in 1938, Sprint is a communications company offering a range of wireless and wireline communications products and services that are designed and marketed to individual consumers, businesses, government subscribers and resellers. Its operations are organized to meet the needs of its targeted subscriber groups through focused communications solutions that merged the capabilities of its wireless and wireline services.Its services are provided through its ownership of extensive wireless networks, an all-digital ball-shaped long distance network. The gild offers wireless and wireline voice and data infection services to subscribers in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands under the Sprint corporate brand, which includes its retail brands of Sprint, Nextel, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, and Assurance Wireless on networks that utilize third generation (3G) code division multiple access (CDMA), integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN), or Internet protocol (IP) technologies.The Company withal offers fourth generation (4G) services utilizing Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) technology through its mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) wholesale consanguinity with Clearwire Corporation and its subsidiary Clearwire Communications LLC (together Clearwire) and, in October 2011, it announced its focus to deploy Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology as part of its network modernisation plan, Network Vision. Sprint Nextels headquarters are located in Overland Park, Kansas, United States. Dan Hesse is the President and C. E. O.Sprint is a tier 1 global Internet access service provider.Sprint Nextel is the United States third largest long distance provider by subscribers. In 2006, the Sprint Nextel exited the local landline skirt business, spinning those assets off into a newly creat ed company named Embarq, which CenturyTel acquired in 2008. Sprint owns a 47. 1% elicit in Clearwire Corporation and also an 18% interest in NII Holdings, which operates under the Nextel brand in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru. Sprint Nextel was the first to offer a consumer available 4G phone, the HTC Evo 4G, in the United States on June 4, 2010.Prior to 2005, the company was cognize as Sprint Corporation. The company took its current name, Sprint Nextel Corporation, when it merged with Nextel Communications that year. Financial Performance for Periods 2008-2010 Over the three years under review, Sprint Nextel Corp. has revenue has dropped from $35. 6B in 2008 to $32. 2B in 2009, with a modest increase to 32. 5B in 2010. But overall Sprint revenue has been fairly consistent. Gross Profit margin has also been on a downward trend year over year 2008 53%, 49% and 46%. Despite this trend Sprint has been performing ameliorate than the industry benchmark of 41%.EBITDA/Oper ating Income Margin has been consistently negative from -2. 44% in 2008 to -3. 15% in 2009, and -1. 63% in 2010. While this statistic is truly worrisome, the company has been able to reduce selling, general and administrative costs over the three years from $11. 355B in 2008, to $9. 438B in 2009, to $9. 438B in 2010. Though this cost decrement imitative is very encouraging, Net Losses mother been going in the wrong direction, increasing from-$2. 796B in 2008, to -$2. 436B, and -$3. 465B. Sprints debt ratio has hovered between 65% in 2008 to 71% in 2010.The companys creditors would be concerned that there is not a greater cushion against losses in the upshot of liquidation, creaseholders on the other hand would want more leverage because it magnifies expected earnings. Stockholders would be very concerned on the companys return on common equity which are -14. 03% in 2008, -13. 46% in 2009, and -23. 82% in 2010. From a cash perspective, Sprint has been managing it cash resources relatively well. There have been massive investments over this period most of which have capital expenditure ($3. 8B in 2008, $1. B in 2009, and $1. 9B in 2010).These investments in capital expenditure, highlights the firms serious emphasis on growing its product base, and improving the functionality and seamless integration of its technology. Stock Performance for Periods 2008-2010 Sprints stock price at the close of market in 2010 was $3. 77 which represents a 79. 31% drop from the period high price of $10. 53 at January 02 2008. The companys stock price has reflected its struggling financial performance. The stock current 52 week range has been $2. 10-$4. 60, and genus Beta of 1. 09.The stock beta measures the volatility of the security in likeness to the volatility of the benchmark market indice (which in this case is the overall financial market) that the stock is being compared to. genus Beta measures the part of the assets statistical variability that cannot be removed by t he diversification provided by the portfolio of many risky assets, because of the correlation of its returns with the returns of the other assets that are in the portfolio. Sprints stock Beta estimate Beta is calculated using regression analysis. A beta of 1 indicates that the securitys price will move with the market.A beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. Sprints beta of greater than 1 indicates that the securitys price will be more volatile than the market by 9%. However three of Sprints major competitors have signficantly offend beta estimates AT&T 0. 58, Verizon 0. 51 & Duetsche Telekom 0. 71 (Average Industry Beta 0. 60). When measured against the Industry, Sprints stock has more volatility and is more subject market forces. Conversely, most high-tech Nasdaq-based stocks have a beta of greater than 1, offering the possibility of a higher rate of return, but also session more risk.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019
Marketing Sample
Canada is among the atomic number 82 countries in economic product. Since its industrialization, much has been achieved from the economic sector especially through manufacturing industries. Butter fat, Sugars and alcohol could not complete diet until when some foods in Ball Park of 100grams of fat per 750ml bottle, selection cordial was introduced in the market. The cream liqueur industries sales in seasons where by the peak is around October, November and December holidays which are the utter(a) holiday treat- permitted during the gluttony of the season.These sale seasons are cut back after New Year firmness kicks in ( toot & Bender, 1995). Yet even in a climate of health conscious consumerism, cream liqueur sales reports to hold their own. In terms of market bob upth per year, the liqueur distributing brand reports a 1.7 per cent increment in its sales as compared with the previous 12 months, while connect logistics in Alberta reports a 0.9 per cent increase for the same p eriod.In some parts like Alberta, the figures are deceptive however, not included in the statistics but can be roughly half of cream liqueurs that benefits from a demoralise tax rate by being classified in the category with alcohol lender 17 percent. This category division exists only in Alberta whose flagship cream liqueur lowered its alcohol content in order to distribute within the province. Research shows that while the average consumer will not be fit to detect the decreased alcohol, the price differential will be noticed.Canada has been unique in labeling restrictions which require liqueurs to concur a minimum of 22 per cent alcohol. This has in turn improved their sales both in quality and quantity. It also implies that most cream liqueurs are actually classified as liquors in coarse White, North. In terms of sales this Canadian company maximizes its sales through merchandising predominantly on quality basis unlike other companies which attract customers through bargain o f prices.This is why the industries continue to grow despite an influx of new products within the category. The cream liqueur company has widely diversified its production because about 61 cream liqueurs products are in the market. Within the category, however, many agents agree Irish creams tolerate the most staying power, while flavored cream come and go. Their products have fetched market even with external countries which is evident by Highwood distilleries whose sales of flavored creams have been dismissal and Highwood will be discontinuing their maple and chocolate Rose creams.Similarly, mountain crest is choice of words out its just deserts and fruits cream lines. On the other hand, category leaders of cream liqueurs continue to have a strong presence in the market. Some other products like true Irish creams are made from Irish Whisky where the term often refers to any whisky based cream liqueur like Kempers Bavarian skip made in Germany.Baileys original Irish Cream is stil l leading the park as number one selling brand in the world. Launched in Dublin in 1974, Bailey was the very first commercially produced cream liqueur. Corolans Irish Cream Liqueur is rank as the second best selling Irish Cream liqueur, both globally as salubrious as in Western Canada. Carolans is known for its honey taste and boosts lower price than its leading competitor. Amarula Cream, selling within the top four cream liqueurs in both Alberta and British Columbia, South Africa reported international volume growth of 12.7% in 2004. This distell, is recognized for its environmental policies including elephant conservation initiatives (Bender & Bender 1995).ReferencesBender D and Bender A, (1995). A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition. Oxford, New York.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Gangnam Style Speech
If the phrase Oppa Gangnam call doesnt mean anything to you yet, you may want to Google it or ask your friends approximately it, or youll be left wondering why everyone is hopping up and down on invisible horses. The combination of catchy riffs and the corny-yet-hip dance moves made the music delineation by Korean workman Psy (short for Psycho) the most liked YouTube video of altogether time. Who is this Psy? Where exactly is Gangnam and what is its style? Well, I have all the answers for you.Today, Id like to share you about Gangnam Style including a man behind Gangnam Style, the sum of Gangnam Style, and its achievements. First, a man behind gangnam style. Park Jae Sang, known as PSY, is a Korean hip hop artist under YG Entertainment. He debuted in January 2001 with his full-length album titled PSY From the Psycho World , for which he later had to pay fine due to accusations saying that the album contains inappropriate contents. Since then PSY has require a controversial art ist as his second album was even banned in 2002.However, he gained much fans with his style of music. He is especially popular for his horse sense of humor. In summer 2012, PSY launched himself into an international stardom done Gangnam Style, the song that he wrote, composed and produced by himself. The term Gangnam Style was inclinationed in Times weekly vocabulary list as a manner associated with lavish lifestyles in Seouls Gangnam district. Gangnam is the area where rich and fashionable young batch get together. This song describes a guy who wants to be cool and stylish like a veritable(prenominal) Gangnam person, but eventually fails.Psy said in an interview that he intended a twisted sense of humor by claiming himself to be Gangnam Style when everything about the song, dance, looks, and the music video is far from being much(prenominal) a high class. People who are actually from Gangnam never proclaim that they areits only the wannabes that put on these airs and say tha t they are Gangnam Styleso this song is actually poking playfulness at those kinds of people who are trying so hard to be something that theyre not. Psy. Now we know about Psy and Gangnam Style more, right?Third, lets talk about the achievements of the song and its accompanying music video Gangnam Style was recognized by Guinness World Records as the most liked video in YouTube account statement and won Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards. The song reached the number one military position in more than 30 countries including Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. As if thats not enough, Psy himself visited the U. N. and taught Gangnam Style dance moves to secretaire General Ban Ki-moon. Together, they rode invisible horses.According to the United Nations, PSY has become an international sensation through his song Gangnam Style Psy is far from the word handsome but he chose not to have a plastic surgery. He had kind of a tough run to this point. As we all know th at Korean music is exceptionally focused on looks, and Psy is not a good looking guy, so he had to work his track to the top. It took him six albums to become a superstar. I admire Psy a lot because he is true to himself. He reminded me of Sebastians line in The Little Mermaid that You got your own style, now let it come through. And remember no intimacy what, you got to be you.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Radio Music Essay
Music, I can say, has contend an important role to the lives of every human. It has been a source of inspiration and leisure on past times. When you celebrate, unison never gets lost and when you need to be calmed, practice of medicine is also relaxing. As the years pass, along with it argon the changes in trend. Characteristics of wireless music by then are different of the radio music we engender today. Several genres of music flourished from 1950s to 1960s. The pitch of rock-and-roll and Roll is also dated back significantly in the 1950s.Right now, there is a question asked whether or not people would still listen to the radio despite of the latest gadgets for music are on hand. Listening to the radios are threatened by the latest technology including iPods and mp3 players. Aside from the radio, music is also presented by music channels in the television where music videos are accompanying the phone call. receiving set is the major source of entertainment for the Americans having almost every household own at least unrivalled radio. 93% of the Americans owned a radio during that time.It was in the year 1954 that a rock and roll song landed the hit charts. Rock and Roll was a product of several genres including indigenous American jazz, turn and blues, swing, and the gospel style. Its roots trace back to the black culture of that moment (Faculty). Another music that was played on the radios is called covers (Faculty). Covering Family Name 2 takes place when a person or a classify records again a song that was already recorded by another individual or group. This verges roots dates back in the year 1966 (Online Etymology Dictionary).Songs back then that were originally sung by black artists were being asked to be covered by white artists. There were a lot of advantages that a cover has. First, they can outsell the original version due to having greater resources and second, the quality of the sound is such(prenominal) better than that of the origi nal version. Rock and Roll had more specific genres which allow Rock-a-Billy, Doo Wop, and the West Coast sound. Rockabilly was a mixture of rhythm and blues and country music. The Doo Wop sound traces its origins in the urban North.It has been fondly called and depict as 1950s street corner music. Under Doo Wop are the characteristics of using nonsense syllables as background rhythm, having emphasis on its harmony, and a different range of voices or parts. Came 1960s and a natural kind of rock and roll emerged called California Sound. California is the place where it first started. Rock and rolls decline happened in the later part of 1950s since companies started to promote teen idols. The themes of their songs are mostly nearly love (Faculty).Some of the famous and promising artists during this time are the following Dean Martin, Patti Page, Chuck Berry, smaller Richard, Eddie Cochran, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley- Dont Be Cruel, Jailhouse Rock and many others, Arthur orotu nd Boy Crudup, Big Mama Thornton, Hank Williams, Sr. , Buddy Holly and the Crickets, Every Brothers- Bye Bye Love, Roy Orbison, Ricky Nelson, The Marcels- Blue Moon, The Diamonds, Little Eva- Locomotion, The Shirelles- Will You solace Love Me Tomorrow? , Neil Sedaka- Breaking Up is Hard to Do, and Paul Anka with his song Diana (Faculty).Family Name 3 At the present, since whatever the trend in America is being adopted by other countries, there are 17 formats that are now playing and being listened to. Ranking from the first, the following are Country, News/ bawl out/ information, Adult Contemporary, Pop Contemporary Hit Radio, Classic Rock, Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio, urban Contemporary, Urban Adult Contemporary, Oldies, Hot Adult Contemporary, Mexican Regional, Contemporary Christian, All Sports, Alternative, Classic Hits, Classical, and Talk/ Personality (Radio Today).From Rock and Roll, it can be seen from the above information that the taste of music listeners have shifte d to many other kinds. In my own observation, todays folks are getting more acquainted with music that have lively danceable beats but not necessarily with high notes. A lot of the radio stations would play Pop, R&B and Hiphop. The young is the targeted market of these radio stations.Leading artists of today include Beyonce Knowles, Neyo, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Akon, Taylor Swift and many others who have hit the charts just like those mentioned artists in the year 1950s and 1960s. workings Cited Cover. Online Etymology Dictionary. 5 May 2009. http//www. etymonline. com/index. php? l=c&p=28/ The Rise of Rock n Roll. Faculty. 5 May 2009. http//faculty. smu. edu/dsimon/Change-Music. html/ Radio Today. Arbitron. 5 May 2009. http//www. arbitron. com/downloads/radiotoday07. pdf/
Friday, May 17, 2019
Patrick Suskind- Perfume Essay
Reflective Statement PerfumePerfume by Patrick S cont set asided, exposed me to a series of literary texts, themes and ideas. It also opened me to a variety of heathenish cultures that happened by means ofout the book.Through the interactive spoken I gained a better cause of the historical scene and capital of Franceian lifestyle. When reading I had superficial knowledge and I never really analyzed the biennial moment that the book was set in. The presentation helped me broaden my understanding of the French lifestyle by explaining the streets of Paris and the lack of sanitation. I now understand the importance of where Grenouille was born and the significance it holds but then I also put in myself astonished of the extreme conditions humans could endure and call everyday life. The fact that the power chose to set the book in that time period, where Paris was at its filthiest, and decided that the main character shall be born with the gift of bouquet. This fact gave me an interpretation of the authors choice in location.It was also with this interactive oral that I got a stronger grasp of the connections amid Grenouille and the other gifted abominables that were mentioned in the root of the apologue. When initially reading the book, I lost the real connections of the characters. It was by dint of the interactiveoral that I work out the vital connections between Grenouille and Marquis de Sade and the others that were mention as well. These historical figures were also known for their stately acts against humanity. As the group described each of them, I was thoroughly interested because I was surprised by some of the horrific things some of them had done.I was most engrossed by the Marquis de Sade hes personality and lifestyle as repulsive as it was, interested me a lot and I realized I got the same reaction from him, as I did from Grenouille. I became aw are of Sskinds directive with such connections. It go on strengthens my opinion on how Ssk ind antagonized Grenouille from the beginning because of the comparisons to the horrific figures from history. This interactive oral gave me a simple but direct understanding of the cultural background, by explaining 18th century Paris. I appreciate Sskind choice of location and including those historical figures, as foreshadowing. Overall I reached an improved understanding of Perfume. Word Count 400Stolen Innocence The Exploration of the component parts of purity from the fallen victims of Grenouille as he begins and ends his involve for the ultimate aromatise in Perfume The story of a murderThe roles of minor characters are gravely important to the development of a story. Their character, their actions and what they symbolize lead the protagonist to different points of the beginning or to the conclusion of their locomotes. This is clearly shown in Perfume by Patrick Sskind, as the protagonist Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is led on knock offing pander in search for a certain e lement for his ultimate scent the minor characters aid him as the gas and conclusion of his quest.The plum fille of the dark Parisian streets unknowingly awakened Grenouilles desire for what he perceived to be the ultimate scent. Her role as a minor character was to be the catalyst of Grenouilles journey, her scent captured him and led him to the arresty that a scent interchangeable that was conceivable. She was a fleeting character, moreover in the book but her presence and representation brought on the unit premise to Grenouilles voyage. Sskind never gives the reader a direct characterization of the plum girlfriend but it isthrough her scent that he creates a personality that the reader is supposed to unravel when he describes her scent we get an indirect form of characterization of her character Her sweat smelled as fresh as the sea breeze, the tallow of her hair as sweet as nut oil, her genitals were as fragrant as the bouquet of water lilies, her skin as apricot blossom s and the harmony of all these components yielded a perfume so rich, so balanced, so wizardly (pg. 41).Linking her scent to her personality we are obliged to believe she was a girl of adoration, because of the description of her scent. The comparisons of her fragrance are all things that one would find beautiful. the scent was not much stronger. It was merely purer, and in its augmented purity, it took on an so far greater power of attraction. Grenouille walked with no will of his own. (pg. 40). Everybody admires beauty and its through this that Sskind admits that even Grenouille is unable to resist beauty fore this beauty was in the scent.Sskinds diction make headway allows the reader to entwine the beauty and associate the plum girl with innocence despite the little context the readers are given. like a piece of thin, shimmering silk and yet again not like silk, but like pastry soaked in honey-sweet milk- and try as he would he couldnt fit those 2 together milk and silk (pg . 40). The comparison of her scent with milk brings back Jeanne Bussies thoughts of the smells of a baby, the link between their milky scent and their innocence. The authors choice to link the plum girl with those simple forms of innocence shows how she is one of the representations of purity. The plum girl was the catalyst to Grenouilles quest as it was through her that he gained the motivator to further his knowledge and vision to capture scent.During this time, the enlightenment was at its stronghold, as new scientific experiments took place, and as it took on the form of individuality where man was fighting for their rights. The flock of the enlightenment began to drift apart from the hearty norms of that time and began to associate themselves as their own being. This was something Grenouille soon realized he lacked as he came to equipment casualty that he had no essence to call his own. The thing that in his perspective made everyone who they were, was what was absent from him. As Grenouille is led on his journey to capture his intrinsic scent, as he embarks on his killing spree Sskind leads thereader to believe that Grenouille is seeking a certain element for his perfume. After his first kill every girl that followed next was in one way or another, a form of innocence. From the girl of the rose fields who was young, so very young, to the young Italian girls of the migrants, the Sardinian washer-woman, and the carpenters daughter they all shared something apart from their youth. the college of medicine examine the bodies of the shorn beauties to determine the state of their virginity.It was found that they had all remained untouched (pg.197). All the girls were virgins. Virgins are a universal symbol for purity and innocence, the point that Grenouille was attracted to their scents further incites the feeling that he in fact was trying to extract what they had and that was their sense of purity. It strongly suggests that Grenouille was seeking the elem ent of innocence for his perfume. Sskind shows the reader that Grenouille has an exact plan and process ones that correspond to the enlightenment. As he journeys we discover different aspects to Grenouilles nature that resemble aspects of the enlightenment. We see this through his methods and his overall perspective throughout the novel as the enlightenment was entirely about experimentation, the individual rights of man and finding oneself.Sskind perhaps proposes that through the quest as he seeks the ingredients for his ultimate perfume Grenouille is also creating a recipe for himself. Grenouilles whole being responds to the views of the enlightenment as he is searches for self-awareness through science and experimentation. Where the plum girl represents the beginning of his quest, it is only through Laure that he concludes the journey. Her role as a minor character was to be a physiologic representation of Grenouilles end goal, to conclude his quest. She was the depiction of the ultimate innocence and it was shown all about her, through her appearance, her age and her scent She barely had the rudimentary start of breasts In a word the girl was windlessness a child (pg. 170-171). Sskind clearly illustrates that Laure was a girl of admiration and beauty this allows us to make the connections of Grenouilles craving with one associated with himself.Grenouilles goal was to be someone that overwhelmed people, someone who could bewitch people just like he predicted Laure would. She too like the other girls had something that Grenouille wanted, that element of innocence he mandatory for his perfume. As she was the end goal, the others girls were different components to his depiction ofinnocence, and Laure was the absolute scent. She was his epiphany, and she completed his composition. In a year or two this scent will be ripened and take on a gravity that no one, man or woman, will be able to escape. People will be overwhelmed, disarmed, helpless before the magic of this girl (pg. 171). Only through Laure would he be able to achieve what she could achieve by just being, and only through her and collecting her scent did Grenouille finally come to self-realization, its only subsequently he had completed his quest did he come to gather the worthlessness to this earth.He had completed what he wanted and only then did he come to terms that there was nothing else in this manhood that he would want. He had overwhelmed people, disarmed them, and bewitched them. It simply was not enough. Her character was the physical embodiment for his masterpiece that he would call his scent. The minor characters are the basis structures that aid the main character in any journey he or she sets of to accomplish they symbolize different aspects of the theme that the book tries to convey.All the girls were symbols of innocence in one form or another, different ingredients for the ultimate scent. The roles of these girls were to create the hunt for Grenouille, as t he plum girl began his quest and Laure brought it to an end. It was only through the quest and these minor characters did he create his recipe for himself and came to self-realization. It was through the quest that Sskind allows the reader to believe that Grenouille was the epic depiction of the enlightenment as a whole. Word Count 1316 get going CitedSskind, Patrick. Perfume The Story of a Murderer. Trans. John E. Woods. New York Vintage, 1986. Print.ere different components to his depiction of innocence and the end goal, the others were merely components to the overall
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