Thursday, July 25, 2019

Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Depression - Essay Example They would also tend to use repression wherein the person who lost somebody would tend to get angry with the deserting person, but because they might alienate the persons whom they had depended on for support, they repress the anger that they have. Another is projection, wherein a person protects himself from the awareness of their own undesirable traits by attributing those traits to others. For example, a woman who had been cheated by her husband tends to get angry but she projects as not angry rather believes that her husband is angry at her that’s why he did it. Psychoanalysts, uses the theory of Freud, wherein they assume that each individual has opposing forces within called the id, ego and superego that make internal conflicts inevitable. The person may or may not be aware of this thus influence their personality development and the ability to handle life’s stresses. One technique a therapist would use is the free association wherein the person is allowed to spea k whatever comes into his mind without editing or censoring. This can also be done together with dream analysis wherein the person is encouraged to talk about the content of his dreams and free associating to that content, the analyst and the client attempt to discuss the unconscious meaning. Another is transference wherein the tendency for the client to make the therapist the object of emotional responses. Another is interpretation, wherein the analyst helps the client gain insight into the nature f the unconscious conflicts that are sources of his difficulties. Another view that we could understand depression is the Cognitive perspective wherein depression focuses not on what people do but on how they view themselves and the world (Atkinson, 1990). In this perspective, patients are pessimistic, expecting the worse from a situation rather than the best. The depressive symptoms on this

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